Unit 10 – Research

This is one of the Pinterest boards for my unit 10 work which is inspiring my environment work . For the main environment of my project I want the design to be all dark colours but with the only light coming from a torch the player is holding.

This is some first person research for my unit 10 project where I needed sone perspective for a hallway so I used my own house as reference.

For the environment design I looked at Philippe Morin who was the level designer for the game Outlast. I used him and the game as reference because he created a very scary abandoned mental asylum. He achieved this by the lighting with was very dark throughout the game and how the building was in pieces and broken. Outlast 2 uses the same techniques as the first but relates to my project more as the game is located in a village with broken houses and churches with the game being set at night.

Image result for outlast environment
Image result for outlast environment

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