Unit 10 – Similar Games

For some of my research i had to look at similar games to how I want my game to be played and created.

Image result for outlast

Outlast has similar game mechanics to mine as the player only has light from surroundings and the night vision in his camera. Some other similar mechanics is that your are making your way through a mental asylum trying to work out the secret of what happened. This game also has the same genre which is a horror game as there is always something chasing but you don’t know where it is.

Image result for resident evil 7

The second game that is similar to mine project is Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, the main concept of the game is that your wife has been captured and sends you a video message telling you to come find her. The similar things about this and my game is that they’re both horror games and that most of the story revolves around one specific abandoned house.

Image result for alien isolation

The third game that has similar aspects to my game is Alien Isolation, the main concept to this game is that you are part of the Nestromo crew and an alien has infiltrated the ship and is going around killing the crew members. The similar aspects are the horror and tension that both games have as you know something is there and is a danger and you need to escape or get to safety.

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