Unit 10 – Evaluation

Final Evaluation for Unit 10 – ’Lost and Found’                                                                                         

For the secondary research that I have gathered in this unit I have created some mood boards on Pinterest to gather some basic ideas together and I did this for the characters and environments that were similar to the things I wanted to create. Other secondary research that I gathered was from reading books that we had in our cupboard. For primary research I took some pictures of old and new houses to see how to create the background and I documented all this information on my blog. By using the photos and books that I read I created more accurate buildings to show how an abandoned house would look. The min designer that I looked at was Philippe Morin who was one of the level designers for Outlast which has a similar background to one I wanted to create. So I looked at how he designed the haunted asylum and village in Outlast 2. In these backgrounds that he created the lighting that he used makes the scene scarier and most of the environment is dark and has little light which I also did in my final outcome.

One of the problems that I encountered whilst doing this project was when I was trying different colours to use for my background. I wanted to do the colours dark because there won’t be any light in the scene except from a flashlight. Also, because there were a lot of wooden planks in the scene I had to use colours that compliment brown, and to adjust the brightness problem I just used the brightness effect on each layer. Another problem that I had with the background was that I couldn’t get the perspective right so I had to try different angles out. Another problem that I had was getting the proportions right on the antagonist that I drew as I wanted him to be quite toned, to fix this I used a book that we had in the cupboard which shows how to draw each different body part.

For some of the planning I wrote down some tasks on post-it notes which I needed to complete, I did this so every time I opened up my folder I knew I had so goals I needed to complete. When I was working at home I had reminders set on my phone to tell me what tasks I had to do. I have put screenshots of the reminders on my phone on my blog and wrote some annotations to go with them. For timescale I could have planned my project out a little better as I finished most of my final outcomes with a few days left so I could have left some days near the end if anything ever went wrong. Whilst using my blog I wrote what I needed and planned to do on some of the posts like the character and environment design so I know what I needed to do.

In my project I didn’t really try different practical techniques as I just did drawings and tried some painting out but it didn’t go well. For drawing I did all the sketches and initial ideas on paper and then finalised the idea and put all the colour and shadows on in Photoshop. In my ideas I tried out different colours and blending for each character and the environment to test out what fit the project best. For my background I tried out different colours which would work well with brown as there were lots of wood elements in my background. When drawing the wooden planks in my project I used a thin line throughout the wood plank to give them texture and I gave them slight cracks to show that they had been there for a long time.

On my blog I posted my designs throughout the project and in the posts I critiqued my work saying what I could’ve done to improve the piece, also whilst I was working I had my peers help me by saying what I could’ve improved on especially on the anatomy and proportions of the body as I struggle with this. I changed a few ideas and poses based on what me and my peers thought about how it looked mainly for the antagonist of my story as the changed a lot throughout the project. If I as going to to do this project again

I would spend less time on the character and environment designs because I took too long on them always trying something new. I would also get more primary research as I didn’t have too much to go off like buildings and the body,

I have tried to achieve a high level of presentation in my work by sorting all of my work in my folder into a specific order so anyone can pick it up and know what is happening and on the pieces of work that I have done I have tried to make them as neat as possible so they look aesthetically pleasing. On my blog I have used good quality photos of my work and when annotating the work I have not just done one word sentences as I went into detail about what I wanted to do next.

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