Unit 12 – Evaluation

Final Evaluation for Unit 12 ‘Outer Worlds’

For this project I have collected different types of research. For primary research I used a picture of my uncle who was in the army as my main demon character wears a general’s uniform so I can reference that picture. Also, I used one of the pictures I took of a castle for the environment in my poster, I traced round the image of my castle except using different colours and having less detail. For secondary research I created mood boards on Pinterest so I can gather some general ideas and basic concepts for characters and backgrounds. When I was drawing my characters I always used reference like for when I was drawing my hellhound I used a picture of a wolf to get the proportions right. One of the artists that I had looked at was Satoshi Kadowaki who is the artist for Seraph Of The End which is an animated show. I took inspiration from him as I liked the way he designed the characters and that you could easily see their personality from the way he drew them.

One of the problems that I encountered was when I was producing my final outcome. I wanted to try and do the poster just using a shade of red and the picture would be encased in an outline of the main characters head. I tried to do this a few times but every time something just looked off so I restarted and went with my backup idea. Another problem that I had was designing the background as I didn’t know what to really put in it except from a castle. To overcome this I looked on Pinterest at Castle posters and saw that they had mountains and a landscape in front of them. Also, when I was drawing my character I had some input from my peers who helped me get proportions and colours right.

Whilst I was doing my project I was planning what I was doing next throughout my blog when I had posted research and early stages of development. I showed that I had a specific task that I wanted to achieve next and how I was going to do it. I also had my tutor go through my folder mid-way through the project where I was given a sheet on what I have done and what I needed to do next. I think I timescaled my project quite well as I had most tasks completed with a week left of the project, but I think I could have let more time at the end to tie up loose ends if I hadn’t completed anything.

I didn’t use many different practical skills as I only stuck to some painting and drawing. I wanted to try a technique called Photobashing where you use a lot of different pictures to create one big image or background. Unfortunately I couldn’t do this technique as you have to use photos that you took yourself and I left it too late in the project to try it out. I did most of my work digitally using a graphics tablet, I mainly used this when I was finalising ideas and concepts to give the drawings a much cleaner finish then doing it by pencil. When I was painting I tried to use watercolours for the first time instead of poster paint because when you use water colours you can have multiple shades of colours and are able to create a different finish then poster paint. I also had to use a bit of perspective when I was testing out what my background could look like but in the end I just stuck to drawing the castle facing forwards.

Throughout the project I have reflected on my work using my blog. I did this so I can see what went wrong and right for each part of my project like with the character designs. So when I did a post I reflected on what work I had just done and what the next step was, and when I was using my blog I used the correct grammar and tried to use professional mannerisms and technical terms when describing my work. If I was to revisit the project I would leave myself more time to do the final outcome as I only had two weeks to complete it. Also, I would also delve deeper into different practical skills and mark making so I can use the marks in my backgrounds

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