Unit 11 – Portfolio

This is the home page for my portfolio which I created on the Wix website. On the homepage I wanted to keep it simple so I have buttons in the top right which link to my other pages and at the bottom I have a simple description of what I’m doing at the moment at college.

This is the Year 1 page on my portfolio which includes art from different units that I did like Life Drawing, character illustrations and my Final Major Project.

This is the Year 2 page on my portfolio which includes my character design work, environment design and some life drawing but later on I can include my fmp work on here.

Unit 11 – UCAS

For my UCAS form I have filled nearly every box except the personal statement as I have yet to put my finished version in there. I’m not going to clear pay and send because I’m not going to University as I am doing a Barbering course at Preston’s College.

To apply for the Barbering course I need to ring the college and ask them questions about the course first because I don’t know if I would need to pay for it or if I am old enough to do it. I did send them an email about it but they still have not replied.

I rang into Preston college the other day and talked to the head of the hair and beauty course to talk about the unit. In this conversation I learnt that the course starts in September and that she needs to run my application through to the headmaster to see if I can do the course because of my age.