Unit 12 – Evaluation

Final Evaluation for Unit 12 ‘Outer Worlds’

For this project I have collected different types of research. For primary research I used a picture of my uncle who was in the army as my main demon character wears a general’s uniform so I can reference that picture. Also, I used one of the pictures I took of a castle for the environment in my poster, I traced round the image of my castle except using different colours and having less detail. For secondary research I created mood boards on Pinterest so I can gather some general ideas and basic concepts for characters and backgrounds. When I was drawing my characters I always used reference like for when I was drawing my hellhound I used a picture of a wolf to get the proportions right. One of the artists that I had looked at was Satoshi Kadowaki who is the artist for Seraph Of The End which is an animated show. I took inspiration from him as I liked the way he designed the characters and that you could easily see their personality from the way he drew them.

One of the problems that I encountered was when I was producing my final outcome. I wanted to try and do the poster just using a shade of red and the picture would be encased in an outline of the main characters head. I tried to do this a few times but every time something just looked off so I restarted and went with my backup idea. Another problem that I had was designing the background as I didn’t know what to really put in it except from a castle. To overcome this I looked on Pinterest at Castle posters and saw that they had mountains and a landscape in front of them. Also, when I was drawing my character I had some input from my peers who helped me get proportions and colours right.

Whilst I was doing my project I was planning what I was doing next throughout my blog when I had posted research and early stages of development. I showed that I had a specific task that I wanted to achieve next and how I was going to do it. I also had my tutor go through my folder mid-way through the project where I was given a sheet on what I have done and what I needed to do next. I think I timescaled my project quite well as I had most tasks completed with a week left of the project, but I think I could have let more time at the end to tie up loose ends if I hadn’t completed anything.

I didn’t use many different practical skills as I only stuck to some painting and drawing. I wanted to try a technique called Photobashing where you use a lot of different pictures to create one big image or background. Unfortunately I couldn’t do this technique as you have to use photos that you took yourself and I left it too late in the project to try it out. I did most of my work digitally using a graphics tablet, I mainly used this when I was finalising ideas and concepts to give the drawings a much cleaner finish then doing it by pencil. When I was painting I tried to use watercolours for the first time instead of poster paint because when you use water colours you can have multiple shades of colours and are able to create a different finish then poster paint. I also had to use a bit of perspective when I was testing out what my background could look like but in the end I just stuck to drawing the castle facing forwards.

Throughout the project I have reflected on my work using my blog. I did this so I can see what went wrong and right for each part of my project like with the character designs. So when I did a post I reflected on what work I had just done and what the next step was, and when I was using my blog I used the correct grammar and tried to use professional mannerisms and technical terms when describing my work. If I was to revisit the project I would leave myself more time to do the final outcome as I only had two weeks to complete it. Also, I would also delve deeper into different practical skills and mark making so I can use the marks in my backgrounds

Unit 12 – Target Audience Responses

I asked some of my family members the same three questions about my project and above are there answers to what I had asked them. The first question was Would you play my game? The second was What do you think about my characters? The last was What do you think about my environment?

Unit 12 – Final Outcome Poster

For my final outcome I wanted to create a poster. I wanted to create the look like the main character is opposing anyone who tries to take his castle. For the castle in the background I traced over a picture of a castle that I have taken myself, and I drew the trees in the foreground so you can kind of tell how far away the castle actually is. For the sky I just used the gradient tool and added some clouds using a dark red and the brush tool because it looked empty without anything there

Unit 12 – Poster

For my final piece I am going to do a poster. The dimensions for my final outcome are a3 which is a standard size. The final outcome will all be hand drawn with a castle in the background and the main character stood in the foreground.

I saw this piece on Pinterest and it inspired me to do something similar with the drawing being held within a wolf and all being the same colour just different shades.

I tried to do something like this in Photoshop but I didn’t think it looked that great so I decided to change up my idea to something similar and not just use one colour like I did before.

Unit 12 – Similar Games

Image result for 7 days to die

7 Days To Die has some similar aspects to the project that I am creating, the similar aspects is that both games are a horde survival game this is where you have to fight waves of enemies and try to defend a base.

Image result for no heroes here

Another game that is similar to my project is No Heroes Here which is a single-player horde game where you have to protect your castle from hordes of enemies. This I similar to my project because of the horde wave elements and that both of the games are based on defending a castle from an attacker.

Unit 12 – Environment Design

For the environment design I want to go for a dark coloured castle in the middle of a deserted lava filled wasteland that is barren. For the castle design itself I want it to have turrets on all sides of the castle with a long walkway in between each turret where the player can stand on top of.

This is one of the photos my family took when they went Conwy. I am going to implement this castle into the design for my castle because I like the size of it and how many turrets and arrow slits there are.

Unit 12 – Research

For my unit 12 research I first went onto Pinterest to get some ideas of what my demon character would kind of look like and get some inspiration from other people ideas. I thought about it and I wanted my demon to look more humanoid then having lots of horns and wings.

This is a Pinterest board for the environment that I want my game to be based off. I want the design to be barren with fire and lava spread out through the land with a big castle in the middle of the land.

Also, for my research I looked at some anime to see how I should portray my demon as an army general a what their uniforms looked like. One anime that helped my decision was Seraph Of The End.

Image result for seraph of the end general

I liked the colour scheme and simple design of these uniforms and how they fit each different character personality. For some first person research I have pictures of my cousin who was in the Queen’s Guard and the army.

For the Environment research I wanted look at castle as that is where my game is based. I have some primary research as my Mum and Dad recently went to visit this castle when doing a half-marathon.

This helped a lot with my designs as it fits the design I wanted with my castle which looks old with the moss on the sides and how there are lots of turrets going around the edges with arrow slits.

Unit 12 – PowerPoint Presentation

This is my PowerPoint presentation for my Unit 12 work Outer Worlds. In this powerpoint I included my ideas for game concepts, Pinterest Boards, character design and the powers he has, enemy design, the environment where the game is set in, how the game plays out, the sound design, similar games and my bibliography.

In my presentation I was given feed back sheets from my peers who assessed me during my PowerPoint and most of the feedback was good and helped me decide some things in my project,

Unit 12 – Structure of the head

I was given a photograph which had a particular expression to draw. I had to think of the head as a 3D structure using line shading to show this.

The strengths of this drawing are the line shading to show 3D aspects to the head. The weakness’s of this drawing are the eyes as I made them look evil instead of kind which he looks in the photo.