Condenser and dynamic microphones

Condenser microphones capture a larger frequency range and and have good transient response (the ability to reproduce the speed of an instrument or voice). They also have a louder output but are more sensitive to loud sounds, so they are mostly used in studios. There are two different types of condenser microphones. Large-diaphragm microphones which used for recording deeper sounds like voices and instruments

Dynamic microphones are more rugged and are resistant to moisture and other forms of abuse so they are perfect to use online. Most dynamic microphones have a limited frequency response so they can withstand high sound pressure levels.

Character Design

This is one of the body shapes that I will maybe have my character look like, I think the bigger body shape will look more intimidating. The other body shape I was considering was a skinny but tall build as this would make him look more sophisticated and looks like he has the brains instead of brawn.

Because the character is a demon I have drawn i few designs for his horns out ranging from small straight ones to long curly ones. But because he is a high class demon I am going to give him small forward facing horns so they look noticeable and intimidating

I have also designed a mask for the character to wear to hide his real face. The two different sides of the mask represent his real face of one scarred one normal, the white mask contrasts with the black and red clothing that the character wears and the blue flames on his left side show his power.

These are the three designs of horns that I wanted to take into further detail and expand on the basic drawings. The second and third set of horns are my two favourites as the first horn looks a bit simple. The second has a large frame and uses a light yellow instead of black like the two others.

These are the powers/abilities that the main character the demon General hasand can use, the annotations are in my folder

Ideas for ‘Outer World’

This is one of the mind-maps I created to start having some ideas for the topic Outer World. On the mind-map I included words associated with outer world, a definition and some games and films that fit into the category.

This next mind-map is the five ideas that I will go into with further detail and create game ideas around. The final idea that I have ended up going with is the heaven and hell concept as it poses and interesting topic towards me.

Foley and acousmatic sound

Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added in post production to films, games and other types of media.

In this video they show you how to make zombie sounds, broken bones etc. To make the zombie eating flesh and brains they had the artist eat a tomato. To make the sound of bones breaking they broke celery in half and for the sounds of entrails they used wet rags and moved them up and down hitting a surface. For the zombies bitting and eating flesh they used raw chicken and moved it around in their hands.To make punch sound effects foley artists stab lettuce with a knife to make the sound. To make the sound of footsteps the artist steps on a certain type of ground, so if the character was walking on gravel they would walk on lots of little stones etc.

Some foley recording techniques are: Fire crackling- Crunch cooking paper, Body hits- Punch red meat, Footsteps- Walk on gravel or the kind of flooring you need.,

Acousmatic sound is where you here a sound without seeing the thing or person that is creating the sound.