Unit 10 – Environment Design

This is first iteration for my environment design where I wanted to do a very linear design using dark colours to make the hall look more scary and threatening.

The second and final iteration of my environment deign is a wider hallway with one window on the left wall, a rug on the floor and a door leading to the exit at the end of the hallway. For more info read the sheet above.

This is the final design for my background with is a digital version of the drawing above.

Unit 12 – Similar Games

Image result for 7 days to die

7 Days To Die has some similar aspects to the project that I am creating, the similar aspects is that both games are a horde survival game this is where you have to fight waves of enemies and try to defend a base.

Image result for no heroes here

Another game that is similar to my project is No Heroes Here which is a single-player horde game where you have to protect your castle from hordes of enemies. This I similar to my project because of the horde wave elements and that both of the games are based on defending a castle from an attacker.

Unit 10 – Similar Games

For some of my research i had to look at similar games to how I want my game to be played and created.

Image result for outlast

Outlast has similar game mechanics to mine as the player only has light from surroundings and the night vision in his camera. Some other similar mechanics is that your are making your way through a mental asylum trying to work out the secret of what happened. This game also has the same genre which is a horror game as there is always something chasing but you don’t know where it is.

Image result for resident evil 7

The second game that is similar to mine project is Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, the main concept of the game is that your wife has been captured and sends you a video message telling you to come find her. The similar things about this and my game is that they’re both horror games and that most of the story revolves around one specific abandoned house.

Image result for alien isolation

The third game that has similar aspects to my game is Alien Isolation, the main concept to this game is that you are part of the Nestromo crew and an alien has infiltrated the ship and is going around killing the crew members. The similar aspects are the horror and tension that both games have as you know something is there and is a danger and you need to escape or get to safety.

Unit 10 – Research

This is one of the Pinterest boards for my unit 10 work which is inspiring my environment work . For the main environment of my project I want the design to be all dark colours but with the only light coming from a torch the player is holding.

This is some first person research for my unit 10 project where I needed sone perspective for a hallway so I used my own house as reference.

For the environment design I looked at Philippe Morin who was the level designer for the game Outlast. I used him and the game as reference because he created a very scary abandoned mental asylum. He achieved this by the lighting with was very dark throughout the game and how the building was in pieces and broken. Outlast 2 uses the same techniques as the first but relates to my project more as the game is located in a village with broken houses and churches with the game being set at night.

Image result for outlast environment
Image result for outlast environment

Unit 12 – Environment Design

For the environment design I want to go for a dark coloured castle in the middle of a deserted lava filled wasteland that is barren. For the castle design itself I want it to have turrets on all sides of the castle with a long walkway in between each turret where the player can stand on top of.

This is one of the photos my family took when they went Conwy. I am going to implement this castle into the design for my castle because I like the size of it and how many turrets and arrow slits there are.

Unit 12 – Research

For my unit 12 research I first went onto Pinterest to get some ideas of what my demon character would kind of look like and get some inspiration from other people ideas. I thought about it and I wanted my demon to look more humanoid then having lots of horns and wings.

This is a Pinterest board for the environment that I want my game to be based off. I want the design to be barren with fire and lava spread out through the land with a big castle in the middle of the land.

Also, for my research I looked at some anime to see how I should portray my demon as an army general a what their uniforms looked like. One anime that helped my decision was Seraph Of The End.

Image result for seraph of the end general

I liked the colour scheme and simple design of these uniforms and how they fit each different character personality. For some first person research I have pictures of my cousin who was in the Queen’s Guard and the army.

For the Environment research I wanted look at castle as that is where my game is based. I have some primary research as my Mum and Dad recently went to visit this castle when doing a half-marathon.

This helped a lot with my designs as it fits the design I wanted with my castle which looks old with the moss on the sides and how there are lots of turrets going around the edges with arrow slits.

Unit 12 – PowerPoint Presentation

This is my PowerPoint presentation for my Unit 12 work Outer Worlds. In this powerpoint I included my ideas for game concepts, Pinterest Boards, character design and the powers he has, enemy design, the environment where the game is set in, how the game plays out, the sound design, similar games and my bibliography.

In my presentation I was given feed back sheets from my peers who assessed me during my PowerPoint and most of the feedback was good and helped me decide some things in my project,

Unit 11 – UCAS

For my UCAS form I have filled nearly every box except the personal statement as I have yet to put my finished version in there. I’m not going to clear pay and send because I’m not going to University as I am doing a Barbering course at Preston’s College.

To apply for the Barbering course I need to ring the college and ask them questions about the course first because I don’t know if I would need to pay for it or if I am old enough to do it. I did send them an email about it but they still have not replied.

I rang into Preston college the other day and talked to the head of the hair and beauty course to talk about the unit. In this conversation I learnt that the course starts in September and that she needs to run my application through to the headmaster to see if I can do the course because of my age.

Unit 12 – Structure of the head

I was given a photograph which had a particular expression to draw. I had to think of the head as a 3D structure using line shading to show this.

The strengths of this drawing are the line shading to show 3D aspects to the head. The weakness’s of this drawing are the eyes as I made them look evil instead of kind which he looks in the photo.